Real Estate Septic Inspection

Real Estate Septic Inspections In North Texas 

At Aerobic Septic Pros we know that purchasing a home is one of the most exciting moments of your life. It’s also a big investment and you want to protect your assets at all cost. We highly recommend when purchasing a home with a septic tank to hire a professional to come out and inspect it. Septic inspections are crucial for you and your families health. We inspect both aerobic septic tanks and conventional septic tanks in North Texas. 

Aerobic Septic Inspection 

We take our time to thoroughly inspect all components of your aerobic septic system to ensure it’s working properly. A full inspection is completed by inspecting the control panel, the aerator, the septic system unit, and the sprinkler line and heads. We remove the cover of the septic tank and check that each tank is operating correctly. We evaluate the ground level around the tank lids to ensure that no groundwater or rain water is infiltrating the system. Photos will be taken of everything we evaluate and we will send an in depth inspection report to the buyer, seller or real estate agent. 

Conventional Septic Inspection 

When inspecting a conventional septic system the first thing we do is locate the tanks. We will dig to locate the inspection ports on the lids. We perform a sludge judge test to each tank to determine if the appropriate amount of sludge is in it. A flow test is completed while monitoring the gallons per minute the home provides. Once we’ve established that, we will run water through the system to determine if it can handle the correct amount of water. Photos will be taken of everything we evaluate and we will send an in depth inspection report to the buyer, seller or real estate agent.

Schedule Your Real Estate Septic Inspection

Septic systems can last up to 25 years or longer when properly maintained. Regular inspections should be provided to maintain the integrity of your homes septic system. We pay attention to the details so you don’t have to. Aerobic Septic Pros helps inform you so you can make the right decision for your family.